We’ve gone GLOBAL!

Becky and I have the privilege to assist in the preparation of men and women that God has called to mission fields of Southeast Asia and beyond.

As we partner with these missionaries, we desire to accomplish the following:

  • Assessment – to help evaluate each individual, so we can help them to achieve their goal of serving the Lord on their field of calling.
  • Train – to be involved in teaching and training, so that they are prepare to reach the field that God has for them
  • Finances – to assist them in raising the funds they will need to go to the field God has called them.
  • Connections – to make as many connection with churches and pastors in the U.S, so that they can partner prayerful and financially with these missionaries.

In the last 6 months, the Baier’s have traveled to the Philippines twice. They spent 6-8 weeks each time which allowed them to equip our non-western missionaries. They also hosted two Win our World Conferences (WOW). In these WOW Conferences we invite national pastors, their wives and church worker to come together for the purpose of world missions. In the two WOW Conferences, we had over 1,000 in attendance. The Philippines has been a receiving nation and now they desire to be a giving and going nation. So we challenge these pastors and workers to be involved in the Great Commission. This last fall we had over 100 individuals surrender to leave the Philippines and take the gospel into Southeast Asia where many have never heard the name of Jesus. One of my responsibilities is to help each missionary prepare for the call God has given them.

In April of 2022, we hosted our first Missionary Retreat in Cambodia. We spent time encouraging and equipping over 30 missionaries. We believe that Cambodia is ready for the gospel. Please pray with us that the Lord of the harvest would send more labors into His harvest.

This is a great opportunity to send Filipino missionaries into many places that are difficult for an American to minister. The Filipino’s are available and adapt well into Southeast Asia culture.

Click on the links below to hear some of their testimonies.

Meet Pastor Reiniell

Meet Marice, Missionary to Cambodia

Please pray with us, that the Lord would continue to open doors of opportunity for us to share our vision for world missions and to be an encouragement to the churches we visit.

You can go on-line to: cmcmissions.org – click on Donate Now to access the online giving solution called “Click&Give”. We believe your investment will make a difference for eternity for many in Southeast Asia and beyond.

Global Missionary Clearinghouse

Global Surge